In the Heart of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Region
UGI Storage Company (UGI Storage) operates 14.7 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas storage and pipeline wheeling services strategically located in North Central Pennsylvania.
Storage service is provided at market-based rates from three reservoirs located in Tioga, Potter and Cameron Counties. Storage customers have transportation access to high growth demand markets served by interstate pipeline providers Dominion Transmission (DTI), Transcontinental Gas Pipeline (Transco), and Tennessee Gas Pipeline (Tennessee), as well as through the UGI Central Penn Gas (CPG) distribution system. UGI Storage also features injection receipt points directly connected to gathering systems for some of the most prolific production areas in the Marcellus Shale.
Interruptible wheeling services will be provided at market-based rates between DTI and Tennessee at the Tioga County facility.